
January WINS in the Herbal Circle 2024

In the Herbal Circle, we like to celebrate the small wins that stack up week after week, month after month, until they become something truly admirable. 

This January has been no exception and I just want to take a moment to admire what some of the herbalists in our community have been doing recently. 

Anna Bradford - Healing Mother Herbals

Anna Bradford listed a new product that she’s had on her heart for quite a long time and sent the word out to people with a couple of email newsletters. 

She also ran a giveaway on Instagram which really helped her account to grow and gain visibility for her brand. 

>> Check out Anna's Healing Mother Herbals website or follow her on Instagram @healing_mother_herbals.

Anna Rosenblom

Anna Rosenblom dedicated the month of January to catching up on some admin tasks that she fell behind on last year. She started by sorting out her inbox and getting her emails in order! 

Anna Schmidt

Anna Schmidt is a new mother and has been focusing on building her business more intensely over the past few months as her business grows. 

After a busy holiday season, she focused on self-care to reground herself and set herself up for action moving forward. 

She’s also starting to be sought out by friends and family as someone knowledgeable about health and the role that herbs can play. She was honored to be asked to help by a friend with a complex health issue so that she can learn and put her herbal skills into practice. 

Anna continued by brainstorming business names and worked out a new way to plan out her tasks and measure progress, which she is putting into practice. 

Charmaine Holloway

Charmaine Holloway came back to post in the Herbal Circle community after a bit of a hiatus, which helped her to focus on her process. 

She completed her Eventbrite business profile and designed the invitation for a vision board workshop that she’s hosting on Valentines Day. 

>> Follow Charmaine on Instagram @sitwithit757

Brock Bertloff

Brock Bertloff got organized for the new year with a simple list of priorities to reduce overwhelm and make progress on the right things. 

He also dove into some legal work to sort out some things, even though it’s been tough for him to tackle this in the past. 

>> Follow Brock on Instagram @nourish.the.mama

Caitlin Vliet

Caitlin Vliet started the year with her first social post in a while, which was a great way to break the ice because she hadn’t posted in a while.

>> Follow Caitlin on Instagram @bonobo.botanicals

Jenn Prince

Jenn Prince is balancing lots of plates with her day job, herbal clients, and other projects on the go. She’s been enjoying working on her creative projects and sticking to a schedule to get everything done. 

She’s also helping to organize Gather, a Northeastern Herbal Conference, alongside a group of herbalists and launched a social media ad to promote it. 

Jenn also worked with other herbalists in helping them to create a marketing plan. She had fun and got good feedback about the session. 

She also finished a poster for a client, which they loved, and continued to balance her schedule throughout the month. 

>> Follow Jenn on Instagram @my_magical_muse

Melissa Wintle

Melissa Wintle got caught up on some business administration tasks by updating tax documents and decided on the name for a market that she’s hosting in April. 

Munna Cleland

Munna Cleland of Radicle Root Herbs rolled into the new year smoothly with online sales coming in and new possibilities entering her realm. 

>> Follow Munna on Instagram @radicle_root_herbs

Stacey Cirillo

Stacey Cirillo set aside some time to think about her vision and what she wants to achieve. She created a vision board and wrote down which direction she wants to take in the next few years. 

Wendi Bergin

Wendi Bergin took a bold step forward by committing to join us for the herbal intensive in April. This is a huge step to follow her dreams and make connections with other herbalists on this wonderful journey. 

>> Follow Wendi on Instagram @Joyfulprepper

It's truly so wonderful to see how everyone has leapt into the new year with enthusiasm. 

If you are an herbalist who is actively working on building a business in this field, we'd love for you to join us in the Herbal Circle too! 

Join us in the Herbal Circle! 

The Herbal Circle is a small group of herbalists who help each other to create a world we are proud of.

We meet twice a month in "The Tea Room" to talk face-to-face (virtually) with other herbalists on LIVE video chats to work through any roadblocks and brainstorm creative solutions together on the call.

Each week, everyone in the group is prompted to share their wins and what they need help with so that we can help each other.